57 research outputs found

    Field Efficacy of Steinernema Carpocapsae Against Lima Bean Pod Borer, Etiella zynckenella Treitschke, Attacking Groundnut

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    Lima bean pod borer (LBPB), Etiella zynckenella Trietschke, is major insect pest of soybean in Indonesia. Currently it was also reported attacking groundnut in some parts of Sumatera causing serious yield loss. Insecticide treatment is not only ecologically unsafe, but also is not practical due to concealed behavior of the larvae within pods below soil surface. Systemic insecticide might be so but unsafe as it might leave unaccepted residue in harvested pods. It is clear that safer more effective technology such as biological control is badly needed. A Field study was conducted at the University of Bengkulu Research Station in 2012-2013. The objectives was to determine the effectiveness of non  local strain of entomopathoegen nematode (EPN), Sterinenema carpocapsae, to control LBPB attacking groundnut. Groundnut seeds were sewed in plots which were later treated with S. carpocasae produce by Biological Control Laboratory University of Jember at the dose of 500.000 JI m-2. EPN was sprayed upon plants and soil surface twice at plant age of 45 and 65 days after sewing (DAS). There were insecticide treatment and control plots as comparison. Observations of damaged pods and the presence of LBPB larvae were done at plant age of 63, 77,  90 DAS and at the haevesting date. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and the means of damaged pods were separated with least significant different (LSD). The result revealed that in two years study,  damaged pods consistently tended to be less in plots treated with S. carpocasae or insecticide than those in controls, indicating that it might be effective against PLPB. The lack of significant different between EPN treated and control  plots might be as a result of low percentages of EPN larval survival due shipment problem (i.e. inappropriate packaging and long transportation that toke several days) or it might be that the strain was less adapted yet to local conditions. I speculate that local strain of EPN might be more effective to control LBPB attacking groundnut

    Penampilan Ketahanan Enam Varietas Kacang Tanah Terhadap Penggerek Polong (Etiella Zinckenella Trietschke) Di Dataran Tinggi Dan Dataran Rendah Bengkulu

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    Resistance performance of six groundnut varieties to Soybean Pod Borer (Etiella zinckenella Treitschke) at high and low elevation in Bengkulu. Soybean pod borer (SPB), Etiella zinckenella Treitschke, often caused serious pod damage and reduced pod yield in several groundnut central in Bengkulu. Field trials were conducted in two locations, Air Dingin (Rejang Lebong, 900 m asl.) and Kuro Tidur (Bengkulu Utara, 200 m asl.) to evaluate resistance performance of groundnut varieties to SPB. Six varieties, Jerapah, Kacil, Bison, Pather, Singa dan Singa, were grown in Air Dingin. Five varieties ( as above but minus Sima) were grown in Kuro Tidur. Susceptible local variety was used as control. Varieties were arranged in plots in randomized complete block design (RCBD) replicated three times, in 3 m x 5 m plots and 20 cm x 30 cm planting space. Dolomite was applied at doses of 0.333 ton ha-1 in Air Dingin and 3 ton ha-1 in Kuro Tidur. Plants were fertilized with N (Urea) - P (TSP) - K (KCl) at the nationally recommended doses (70 - 125 - 70 kg ha-1). Damaged pods and larval density were observed three times at 63, 77 and 93 day after sowing (SAW). Undamaged pods was weighted at harvest. Data were analyzed with analysis of variance and LSD to separate varietal means. The results revealed that the numbers and percetages of damaged pods incresed with plant age. Four groundnut varieties (Kancil, Panther, Singa and Sima) suffered significantly less pod damage than local variety and the other two (Jerapah and Bison), and therefore they are more resistance than the last three. Regardless of varieties, pod damage was significantly higher in Kuro Tidur than that in Air Dingin. The weight of undamage pods of resistance varieties was significantly higher than that of local, but was not significantly difference from that of Bison and Jerapah, in Air Dingin. In contrast, there was no significant different undamage pod weight between all varieties in Kuro Tidur

    Sekolah Lapang Pengelolaan Hama Terpadu (SLPHT) di Desa Sumber Agung Bengkulu Utara

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    Produktivitas lahan sawah beririgasi di Desa Sumber Agung, Bengkulu Utara masih rendah. Petani mempraktekkan budidaya padi secara konvensional dengan masukan pupuk dan pestisida kimia. Sekolah lapang pengelolaan hama terpadu (SLPHT) dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang ekosistem tanaman dan produktivitas padi sawah, dan mengurangi penggunaan pestisida kimia. Kegiatan dilakukan pada demplot seluas +7.500 m2, untuk membandingkan sistem pengelolaan hama terpadu (PHT) dengan sistem konvensional. Petani peserta SLPHT dilatih melakukan pengamatan ekosistem tanaman setiap minggu selama satu musim tanam (11 kali pertemuan). Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan petani tentang ekosistem padi dan pengelolaan tanaman sehat dan hama penyakit tanaman hampir dua kali lipat dengan skor nilai dari 42.72 menjadi 83.52. Aplikasi pestisida nabati dan agensia hayati dilakukan pada petak PHT sebanyak 3 kali,  sedangkan aplikasi pada petak konvensional sebanyak 8 kali dengan menggunakan pestisida kimia. Serangan dari hama burung pipit yang tidak bisa ditanggulangi menyebabkan produktivitas rendah. Hasil ubinan gabah kering panen (GKP) pada petak PHT adalah 2.3 + 0.36 kg (setara 2.172 ton per Ha) sedangkan pada petak konvensional 2.06 + 0.38 kg (setara 1.94 per Ha).Produktivitas lahan sawah beririgasi di Desa Sumber Agung, Bengkulu Utara masih rendah. Petani mempraktekkan budidaya padi secara konvensional dengan masukan pupuk dan pestisida kimia. Sekolah lapang pengelolaan hama terpadu (SLPHT) dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang ekosistem tanaman dan produktivitas padi sawah, dan mengurangi penggunaan pestisida kimia. Kegiatan dilakukan pada demplot seluas +7.500 m2, untuk membandingkan sistem pengelolaan hama terpadu (PHT) dengan sistem konvensional. Petani peserta SLPHT dilatih melakukan pengamatan ekosistem tanaman setiap minggu selama satu musim tanam (11 kali pertemuan). Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan petani tentang ekosistem padi dan pengelolaan tanaman sehat dan hama penyakit tanaman hampir dua kali lipat dengan skor nilai dari 42.72 menjadi 83.52. Aplikasi pestisida nabati dan agensia hayati dilakukan pada petak PHT sebanyak 3 kali,  sedangkan aplikasi pada petak konvensional sebanyak 8 kali dengan menggunakan pestisida kimia. Serangan dari hama burung pipit yang tidak bisa ditanggulangi menyebabkan produktivitas rendah. Hasil ubinan gabah kering panen (GKP) pada petak PHT adalah 2.3 + 0.36 kg (setara 2.172 ton per Ha) sedangkan pada petak konvensional 2.06 + 0.38 kg (setara 1.94 per Ha)

    Ledakan Populasi Jenis Respo, Filicaulis Bleekeri, Di Sentra Produksi Sayur Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu : Population Outbreak Of A Slug Species, Filicaulis Bleekeri, In Vegetable Production Central Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu

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    Abstract: During the last two years a slug species, Filicaulis bleekeri (Keferst.), has become important pest of some vegetable crops in vegetable production central Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu. This pest is called "respo" by local farmers, who majority are Javanese. Data from preliminary observation indicated that this pest population was very high and may caused harvest failure on some vegetable crops, particularly Cruciferae such as cabbage, chinese cabbage, and cauliflower. hi several sampling activities in 2000 and 2001, the population density of respo reached >10 per mature cabbage plant and > 7 per flowered cauliflower plant. Sampling on young cabbage and chinese cabbage resulted > 2 respo per 1 in of row, but killed > 80% of transplanted cabbage and 7567:c of transplanted chinese cabbage. Whereas sampling in fallow land resulted > 60 respo per m\u27. There is no much information on this pest presentlytherefore it is necessary to study the biology as well technology and as control strategy of the species. Key words: Filicaulis bleekeri. population outbreak, vegetabl

    Kemampuan Ekstrak Kulit Buah Kabau (Archidendron microcarpum) dalam Mengendalikan Crocidolomia pavonana (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)

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    Crocidolomia pavonana Fabricius is an important pest in the Brassicaceae family that can cause up to 10% -100% yield losses. One of the plants that are considered as potential botanical insecticides is Kabau Plant (Archidendron microcarpum (Benth.). This study was aimed to determine the ability of kabau pell crude extract to control C.pavonana. The study was conducted at Rejang Lebong State Community Academy Campus and Natural Resources Organic Laboratory of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Andalas, from September 2016 to February 2017. The research was conducted in three stages: filter, bioactivity, and chemical profile examination. The results showed that the kabau peel crude extract was classified as an active insecticide for C.pavonana. At a concentration of 0.5%, kabau peel crude extract caused larval mortality to reach 63.33% in the filter test and 70% in the bioactivity test. The extract consisted of phenolic compounds, saponins, flavonoids, steroids, terpenoids, and alkaloids. Keywords: Kabau plant, secondary metabolite, botanical insecticide,   Crocidolomi pavonan


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    Jagung memiliki peranan penting dalam industri berbasis agribisnis. Jagung dimanfaatkan untuk konsumsi, bahan baku industri pangan, industri pakan dan bahan bakar. Kebutuhan jagung dari tahun ke tahun terus mengalami peningkatan seiring berkembangnya industri pakan dan pangan. (Afifah, et al. 2010). Kendala dalam budidaya jagung yang menyebabkan rendahnya produktivitas jagung antara lain serangan hama dan penyaki. Hama yang sering dijumpai menyerang pertanaman jagung adalah: lalat bibit (Atherigona sp), ulat penggerek batang jagung (Ostrinia furnacalis), dan ulat penggerek tongkol (Helicoverpa armigera), sehingga dapat menurunkan produksi jagung mencapai  80%. (Achmad dan Tandiabang, 2001). Upaya pengendalian oleh petani pada saat ini adalah dengan menggunakan pestisida kimia sintetis atau bahan kimia lainnya yang tidak ramah lingkungan. (Anonim, 2010). Varietas jagung lokal sebagai plasma nutfah merupakan sumber genetik dan modal utama dalam pembentukan varietas unggul baru. Sifat genetik varietas lokal mempunyai keunggulan khusus dibanding varietas unggul, di antaranya tahan cekaman biotik dan abiotik, tahan terhadap serangan hama dan penyakit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari 12 varietas jagung hibrida pengembangan dari jagung lokal Bengkulu yang tahan terhadap infestasi hama-hama penting pada kondisi input rendah di dataran tinggi andisol. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan November tahun 2011 sampai dengan bulan Maret tahun 2012 di Kelurahan Simpang Nangka Kecamatan Selupu Rejang Kabupaten Rejang Lebong, letak ketinggian tempat lebih kurang 700 meter dari permukaan laut, jenis tanah andisol. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL). Pengamatan dan pengukuran dilakukan pada variabel utama berupa tingkat serangan hama dan hasil (bagian generatif) serta variabel penunjang (bagian vegetatif). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan anava dengan uji F pada taraf 5 % dan bila terdapat perbedaan yang nyata dilakukan uji lanjut menggunakan Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) pada taraf 5 %. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 12 genotipa jagung hibrida yang dievaluasi tahan terhadap serangan ke-3 hama penting, berat pipilan kering tertinggi yakni 9,77 ton/ha pada hibrida 9 (G9)  berbeda nyata dengan hibrida pembanding yaitu Bisi 16 dan Bisi 816 dengan berat pipilan masing-masing 8,86 dan 7,93 ton/ha. Kata Kunci: Jagung hibrida, jagung lokal Bengkulu, hama penting, input rendah, tanah andisol


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    [INCIDENCE OF THE RICE YELLOW STEM BORER (Schirpophaga incertulas Walker) ON THREE RICE VARIETIES IN KEMUMU, NORTH BENGKULU]. Rice yellow stem borer (RYSB), Schirpophaga incertulas Walker, often causes yield loss in irrigated rice field. Dead heard and white ear head are the common symptomps resulted from the larval damage. The use of resistant varieties may reduce the risk of yield loss, but the resistance may lose quickly as the varieties are continually grown in a large area. The assessment of the insect incidence in rice field is necessary in order to determine the status of the pest for certain period of time. The objective of the study was to determine the incidence and damage incurred by RYSB in three rice varieties, Mekongga, Cibogo, and Situ Bagendit at farmer rice fields. A survey was conducted in December 2017-February 2018 in Kemumu, North Bengkulu Regency. Observation of RYSB was made on randomly selected 30 hills from + 1 ha area for each variety that was located adjacent to each other. Grain yield was measured from the sampled hills and from 3 plots of 9 m2 . Weight of 1000 grain was measured from grain of three sampled hills. The results revealed that the incidence of RYSB was low, as indicated by the presence of egg mass and larvae of RYSB, and no significant difference was found among the three varieties. Nevertheless, the average cumulative number and percentage of dead heart and white ear head was significantly lower in Mekongga than those of Cibogo and Situ Bagendit. In term of grain yield, however, Mekongga outperformed the other two varieties. The low incidence of RYSB might suggest that growing different variety practiced by local farmers was able to suppress pest population, and therefore it should be implemented in all main areas of rice production


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    Crocidolomia pavonana merupakan salah satu hama utama pada tanaman famili Brassicaceae yang keberadaannya dapat mempengaruhi kualitas dan kuantitas hasil yang diperoleh sehingga perlu dikendalikan. Salah satu alternatif pengendalian yang efektif dan ramah lingkungan adalah dengan penggunaan insektisida nabati. Tumbuhan kabau diketahui berpotensi sebagai insektisida nabati. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan potensi kulit buah kabau pada semilapang dan fitotoksisitasnya pada tanaman budidaya. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan Rumah Plastik di Kelurahan Simpang Nangka, Kabupaten Rejang Lebong pada bulan September - Februari 2017. Penelitian dilakukan dalam dua tahap yaitu uji semi lapang dan uji fitotoksitas. Rancangan percobaan yaitu Rancangan Acak Lengkap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa insektisida kulit buah kabau disemi lapang pada konsentrasi 2.0% mampu mematikan larva C. pavonana sebesar 52,22% dengan rata-rata berat krop kubis 1307,78g. Ekstrak kulit buah kabau tidak menunjukkan gejala fitotoksisitas terhadap tanaman kubis